Register your boat under the renowned Dutch flag now!
It is our pleasure to explain you more about the Dutch Certificate of Registration named “Zeebrief”. It is the highest level of yacht registration The Netherlands has to offer! A top class yacht registration of the Kingdom of The Netherlands and which offers the formal Dutch nationality to your yacht and which is issued by the Dutch Ministry of Transport and the Dutch government in name of our head of state, The King of The Netherlands.
The main benefits from the “Zeebrief” are:
- Fully accepted by the nautical authorities and government of any country in the world
- Yacht gets the formal nationality of the Kingdom of The Netherlands and which is issued by the Dutch government in name of the King
- Only 1 initial “non technical” inspection for marking and carving of the yacht
- No recurring annual inspections of the yacht
- No yacht taxes
- No demands or annual inspections on flares and life saving electronics or equipment
- Valid as long as the yacht owner decides – no end date
- No limitation in miles from shore
- CE certification is no issue for the issue of the registration
- No questions asked about the VAT status of the yacht for the issuing of the registration
- Perfect and low cost replacement for the Belgian Registration and Light Registration
- Available for EU citizens or NON EU citizens in combination with a EU company
- No third party insurance needed when making the registration request.
With this formal and top quality yacht registration your yacht can sail to any country in the world without any problem and which offers you a warm welcome in all countriesof the European Union. To make the “Zeebrief” possible we only need:
- Copy of your notary legalized passport or ID card.
- Bill of Sale
That’s all! In the case of a previous registry also a copy of the deletion document will be needed. Next to this the Dutch Cadastre will send their inspector on board of your yacht for inspection and do the marking and carving. This inspection is not included in the offered yacht registration price and will be offered to you based on cost price by the Cadastre. The average costs for an inspection in Europe is between 750-1000 euro. This is a one time cost only. The inspection does not need to be redone! The inspection is not a technical inspection and can be done on the dry or in the water. In normal cases the whole “Zeebrief” procedure will take approx. 4 weeks. Our price for the “Zeebrief” is including:
- The national Certificate of Registry.
- Certificate of nationality (Title) issued by the Dutch Government in name of the King
- Registration of your yacht in the Dutch Cadastre.
- Tonnage Certificate (for yachts till 24.00 meter) (If the yacht is over 24 meters the owner has to arrange the document himself by a approved classification company).
- All Dutch authority fees
- All Dutch taxes
- 1 year domicile and representation in The Netherlands for your yacht
- Handling & Administration
- Shipment by Fedex overnight courier.
How much does a Worldwide registration cost?
Our low price is only €1750 (excl. 12.5% VAT) (excluding the costs for the one time inspection). For every next year the yearly costs for your yacht registration are only €1450 (excl. 12.5% VAT) and including all costs, fees, representation, domicile, filings, etc. If the yacht owner is a NON EU citizen then we first have to create a dormant UK Limited company for you. The initial costs for that are €450 (excl. 12.5% VAT).
For the UK Limited company the yearly costs are €325 (excl. 12.5% VAT). This is including UK domicile address of your company, UK taxes and fees, handling and administration, filings and returns. The yacht owner will be the only shareholder and director of the company. The company has no tax number and no bank account. Our company will take care of all filings. You do not have to think about anything! Once the company is ready you only have to create a bill of sale on the new company’s name and you are good to go!
Of course we can also arrange a AIS & MMSI Radio License for your yacht including ATIS and MMSI number and call sign. This will be ready within just 1 working day. The costs for this will be only €150 (excl. 12.5% VAT). Additional microdots can be ordered for € 350,- (excl. 12.5% VAT)
Consider that your yacht gets stolen. If this happens, you’ll count yourself lucky that you went with the Dutch Zeebrief option. To protect your yacht in the best way possible and to ensure that it is returned to you, the rightful owner, as soon as possible in the event of unexpected theft, we apply microdots to your sailing or motor yacht. Microdots are tiny synthetic discs that carry your unique identification number. Thousands of these discs are fixed to immovable or more theft-susceptible parts of your vessel with a transparent glue. This layer of glue with microdots is water- and heat-proof, all but invisible and can be applied to both the in- and outboard. Only those authorized, such as the water police, can read the code with the aid of special equipment. Microdots are more secure than markings since they cannot be removed.
What makes microdots so effective?
- It is impossible to remove all the applied microdots or to change the unique code.
- Only a single microdot need be found in order to identify the name of a stolen ship that is registered with the Dutch land registry.
- The lifespan of the microdots is guaranteed to be at least 20 years after application.
- Most insurers offer a discount on your insurance premium if you use microdots.
Our Company is one of the only registrars in the world to offer microdots to it’s clients!